RBScripts.net is the best way to find any scripts you want to use and allow creator to upload their own scripts.
The lastest Scripts that has been upload to the website
– You need a Executor to use a Roblox Script; you can install any one you choose from our site, however Krampus is the only working executor. In Roblox games, script executors allow you to execute scripts into the game. Open any Roblox game after installing a script executor, inject it into Roblox, and then put your script into the execution tab. Finally, click the Run Script
– On our website, under the “Executors” tab, you can find a wide range of script executors. Krampus is the best exploit available right now, so we recommend it. for Android, we recommend Vega X
– Yes, LUA scripts are not harmful to your computer because they are only limited to exploit the Roblox game and nothing else.